Hi there! I'm Katie.

Hi there! I'm Katie.

I'm a multifaceted designer, with a passion for efficiency and accessibility. My background in makerspaces informs both my design process and my creativity. I want to positively impact people's daily lives using art and design.

Hi there! I'm Katie.

Hi there! I'm Katie.

I'm a multifaceted designer, with a passion for efficiency and accessibility. My background in makerspaces informs both my design process and my creativity. I want to positively impact people's daily lives using art and design.

Hi there! I'm Katie.

Hi there! I'm Katie.

I'm a multifaceted designer, with a passion for efficiency and accessibility. My background in makerspaces informs both my design process and my creativity. I want to positively impact people's daily lives using art and design.

Joy in 10 Words

The world has been metaphorically and literally on fire for a while now, but this year was really awful. It's important to both recognize and hold on the things that make you happy, so I've collected some things that have brought me joy this year. Not counting their titles, I've described each in 10 words or less.

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Nathan W. Pyle, Strange Planet: Star Damage
Cute aliens doing human activities in strange, joyful ways.
Run The Jewels: RTJ4
Iconic duo delivers another complex, sonic punch to the face.
Glass Animals: Dreamland
Melted neon and bouncy wistfulness, puddling in the summer haze.
Birthday crème brûlée
Homemade for my birthday; best dessert that requires a blowtorch.
Zoo Tycoon
Unearthed game and old laptop: success! Immediate transportation to childhood.
Banana With Pearl Earring
Inject more art-themed banana stickers directly into my veins.
The Good Place (Netflix)
Honestly, Mike Schur's best yet; countless literal laughs out loud.
Tip: melted butter in with mashed banana. And toasted pecans!
Tierra Whack: Whack World
Rapper's first album: 15 songs, 1 minute each. All awesome.
Living Big in a Tiny House (YouTube)
Tall, effusive Kiwi tours amazing tiny homes on YouTube channel.
65 pounds of zucchini
Total zucchini donated this summer: 175 lbs. Squashed household record.
Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj (Netflix)
Insightful presentations of ignored issues; amusing host unafraid to roast.
Shakshuka (recipe)
Brunch perfection: tomatoes, cumin, cilantro, poached eggs. Serve with bread.
Legend of Korra (Netflix)
ATLA sequel tackles complex issues with honesty and gorgeous animation.
Ratatouille (source)
End-of-summer stew; worth the work. Pair with movie.
The Umbrella Academy (Netflix)
Original, surprising, funny, exciting; quickly obsessed. And there's Robert Sheehan!
Gardening at home
Usual family garden benefitted from lockdown; happy produce this summer!
Watchmen (HBO)
Timely continuation of graphic novel universe; music and casting perfection.
Hakuna Frittata
Easy, elegant egg dish becomes blank canvas for flavor experimentation.
Nathan W. Pyle, Strange Planet: Small Setback
We are all sad aliens holding soggy paper towel fragments.
The Amber Ruffin Show (Peacock)
Fresh voice inspires joy with whimsy, wit, and musical numbers.
Nathan W. Pyle, Strange Planet book (source)
Best quarantine purchase yet. Order from independent bookstores!



My design projects showcase my graphic and information design background, as well as my arc towards experience design. My projects range from print work, to an interactive exhibit, to an empathy-driven card game.



Digital fabrication makes quick and accurate reproduction possible, and lasercutters can be the most accessible and easy to learn. Read about makerspaces and lasercutting, explore the products I've made, and learn about my Maker In Residency in 2019.



Digital fabrication makes quick and accurate reproduction possible, and lasercutters are the most accessible and easy to learn. Read about makerspaces and lasercutting, and explore the products I've made, including coasters, trivets, and magnets.


Public Art

Public art is able to positively influence many people at a time, and it can bring a community together. My style involves lots of bright colors and organic shapes, with a strong influence from the natural world. I draw inspiration from biological systems, microbiology, and marine life.



In addition to my illustrations that are biology-inspired, I also handletter and illustrate meaningful mantras, quotes, and lyrics. For the last couple years, I've been experimenting visually with organic shapes and patterns. Most recent are the Train Doodles.



In addition to the organic shapes, I started handlettering illustrating meaningful mantras, quotes, and lyrics. For the last couple years, I've been experimenting visually with organic shapes and patterns. Most recent are the Train Doodles.